Many experts predict that real estate is still an attractive and profitable investment channel in the medium and long term

At a recent seminar, Mr. Nguyen Duc Huong, former Chairman of the Board of Directors of LienVietPostBank stated his view, after stocks, gold, there will definitely be a fever. Investment in land is profitable only.

However, at the present time, Vietnam's real estate market is unbalanced, demand is waiting for supply because we lack a legal basis for supply to have goods.

Also at this seminar, Mr. Trinh Van Quyet, Chairman of FLC Group emphasized, in the long run, real estate is still the most attractive channel and has the highest profitability. In the past time, if investors lose money, it is mainly because of following the movement.

Mr. Quyet believes that in the coming years, the real estate market still has many advantages. However, with the current legal procedures, the completion of real estate projects faces many difficulties. For example, with urban real estate, from the stage of project planning until the market, completing the electricity, road, station, etc., the process takes at least 3-4 years, provided that the money is circulated systematically. . It is difficult for small and medium enterprises to follow this process.

"Even though the market was affected by two epidemics, I still have not seen any signs of real estate price reduction or dumping," Quyet emphasized.

Sharing the same view, Mr. Nguyen Van Dinh, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Real Estate Brokers Association, said that, in the medium and long term, real estate is still the best, safest and most profitable investment channel with the largest potential. Regarding the factor of profitability through value, the real estate market during the past many years has not had a crisis where real estate prices have declined. In contrast, real estate is still increasing steadily, an average of 5-7%.

In addition, real estate also has the ability to be profitable when exploiting business to increase profits. According to this expert, real estate prices in Vietnam in general are still at a low level. Real estate in newly developed and well-developed areas, the land plot segment is the segment that investors can consider investing in. With resort real estate, this is a segment with advantages and large space for development.

“If you have little money, you should invest it in a bank because it is safe and still profitable. In this context, bank interest rates are still stable. If there is a little more money, investors can consider more channels such as gold, stocks. If you really have a lot of money, you should invest in real estate. If you have little money and have to use financial leverage, I advise you not to participate because we can't know when the Covid situation will be under control," Dinh advised.

Previously, when discussing the real estate market, Mr. Le Minh Tri, Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director of Nam Group said, in his own experience, it is a fact that real estate prices never decrease, but only increase. price. Therefore, investing in real estate is only profitable. Maybe, there are some times due to the impact of external factors that cause real estate prices to slow down, go sideways and then continue to increase when the market is stable, there is no real estate price decline over time.

Regarding the investment channel in the market, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong, CEO of Dai Phuc Land affirmed, in the short term, there may be times when real estate slows down due to objective factors, but in the long term, real estate is still a channel. bring good returns compared to other investment channels. For example, in the project of her business, Ms. Huong said, within 3 years of Van Phuc City project, land prices increased 5 times, house prices increased 3 times. When the market is good, according to experience, real estate value grows 20-25%, when the market slows down, the increase is about 10-15% less.

“Which channel to invest in now depends on the taste and budget of each individual investor. Particularly for institutional investors, they will carefully analyze and evaluate the factors and methods to enter the market. They will analyze on factors such as investor's reputation, product type, product location... and make a decision. If investors are too cautious, they will lose opportunities, and if they expect too much, they have to accept risks, "said Ms. Huong.

Of course, with any investment channel there are risks. With real estate, there are many real estate investors who suffer losses due to entering the market "at the wrong time", or not understanding the market carefully. But undeniably, a lot of people "surprise" by investing in real estate. The long-term profit margin for those with existing financial flows is always more attractive than other investment channels. As for short-term surfing investment, it is certain that no matter what the market is at any time, it is unsustainable, easy to take risks, and fails in the "all-or-nothing" style.

Ha Vy / Young intellectuals