Sustainable urban construction, expectations of Vietnamese cities in the next 10-15 yearsSustainable Cities

Danh từ Đô thị bền vững ra đời sau khi các tổ chức liên hiệp quốc (LHQ) thống nhất đưa ra khái niệm “Phát triển bền vững / Sustainable development” năm 1991. Đặc biệt, khi Hội nghị thượng đỉnh trái đất về môi trường và phát triển năm 1992 thông qua “Chương trình nghị sự 21 (Agenda 21)”, sau đó 179 nước tham gia cam kết tuân theo và phê chuẩn các “Chương trình phát triển bền vững” của nước mình. Trong ba nội dung cơ bản của phát triển bền vững, thì nội dung đầu tiên là bền vững hệ sinh thái (Ecological Sustainability), trong đó đòi hỏi bảo tồn các hệ thống trợ giúp cho sự sống, bền vững môi trường (Environmental Sustainability), bền vững xã hội (Social Sustainability) [1,2].

Smart Cities: Starting from a Smart Vision?

Today, Smart City is becoming an urban development trend that has received the attention of many countries and cities as a way of international integration, catching up with the era of technology development 4.0. storm, and especially is expected as an inevitable trend that can help cities combat today's urban development problems such as rapid population growth, pollution, environmental degradation, Global risks including crime, traffic congestion, inefficient services and economic stagnation...

We need to create a carbon-free society from the lessons of the pandemic

Alexandra Hagen, founder of the White Arkitekter architecture office in Sweden, shared her views on the long-term effects of the Covid-19 epidemic on cities around the world.

Apartment housing standards are enough, but safety needs to be ensured from many sides

Before the recent incident of a girl climbing over the railing and falling from the 13th floor of apartment 60B Nguyen Huy Tuong (Hanoi), Associate Professor - Dr. According to the Ministry of Construction (Ministry of Construction), currently the standards and regulations issued by the Ministry of Construction ensure the ability to prevent unsafety from happening to human life, however, at the building, the incident occurred. need to specifically consider compliance with these standards and regulations.

Gothic architecture and some outstanding works in the world

Gothic is one of those long-established terms that only flourished until the Renaissance. Accordingly, the appearance of Gothic architectural design style. Gothic architecture - one of the styles commonly used in churches and cathedrals.

Explore the library of Harvard University - The most prestigious school in the world

Harvard University, also known as Harvard University, is a private research university, member of the Ivy League, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. With its history and influence, Harvard is one of the most prestigious universities in the world. In particular, the Harvard library is famous for its unique and ancient architecture, large space and luxurious interior.

Unique features in the design of embassies - diplomatic missions of countries around the world

The architecture of the embassy always requires a balance between openness and safety. As a representative diplomatic mission of a country, embassies are built in both the center and suburban areas. In the center of the work, the space is designed to convey the value and symbolism of a country with structures that bring a friendly and welcoming feeling to the people. Today, modern embassy projects are often designed to strict safety standards while still featuring the local culture and climate.

Model of a city in a city in the world

The project of establishing Thu Duc city on the basis of merging districts 2, 9 and Thu Duc. This city is expected to be a grade 1 city directly under Ho Chi Minh City, which means it will be a "city within a city" model that is not yet present in our country's administrative management system. In order for people to better understand this model, DTTC introduces a series of articles by Assoc. NGUYEN MINH HOA, urban expert, who has studied this model in many countries around the world.

Architectural development in Ho Chi Minh City area

“This is the first seminar interested in architectural development for the whole region, not just in one locality. Today's seminar will create a new interest in the field of architecture for urban and rural development, not only in Ho Chi Minh City but also in other areas." – MSc. Architect Do Thanh Tung - Director of the National Institute of Architecture affirmed at the seminar.

7 projects with super unique architecture will be completed in 2020

The world is developing more and more, in parallel with that, construction techniques are improved, thereby giving birth to many unique architectural works with thousands of challenges in the construction process.