Architectural development in Ho Chi Minh City area

“This is the first seminar interested in architectural development for the whole region, not just in one locality. Today's seminar will create a new interest in the field of architecture for urban and rural development, not only in Ho Chi Minh City but also in other areas." – MSc. Architect Do Thanh Tung - Director of the National Institute of Architecture affirmed at the seminar.

On September 22, at Thong Nhat Hall, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, the National Institute of Architecture in collaboration with the City Department of Planning and Architecture held a scientific conference "Development of regional architecture". Ho Chi Minh City".

Mr. Nguyen Dinh Hung - Deputy Director of the Department of Planning and Architecture of Ho Chi Minh City gave his opinion to discuss at the workshop

The workshop aimed to identify and concretize key tasks to help the Government and local managers in the Ho Chi Minh City area, develop resources, and perform well in urban architecture development. sustainable urban and rural areas, adapting to climate changes in the coming time; create opportunities for scientists and professional organizations to contribute wisdom and experience in both scientific research and policy advice to planning plans, strategies and actions in the field of science and technology. architecture and construction planning…

The workshop revolved around 5 issues: Overview of architecture (urban and rural); Landscape architecture space: Renovating and developing architecture; International experience in architectural management and development (Singapore, France..); Preserve and exploit architectural heritages, evaluate valuable architectural works; Promoting the maximum creative ability for architects in 4 sub-regions of Ho Chi Minh City, including the entire administrative boundary of Ho Chi Minh City and 07 neighboring provinces of Ba Ria - Vung Tau , Binh Duong, Binh Phuoc, Tay Ninh, Long An, Dong Nai, Tien Giang.

Speaking at the seminar, Mr. Mai Trung Hung - Deputy Director of the Department of Construction of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province raised the issue that, currently, in the national standards and regulations, the concepts and definitions of rural housing are still missing. very faint, leading to cases of permit exemptions, people building separate houses but actually high-rise buildings... The implementation of the Law on Architecture will help localities have more bases for comparison. , manage and take measures to handle and sanction violations if there are violations.

MSc.Architect Do Thanh Tung - Director of the National Institute of Architecture (7th from the right) took a photo to congratulate the successful seminar

Agreeing with the above opinion, Mr. Nguyen Dinh Hung - Deputy Director of the Department of Planning and Architecture of Ho Chi Minh City said: "Since liberation until now, this is the first time we have set the role of architectural space urban complements the planning element. For a long time, we have been following planning, mainly we have created urban and rural planning, and architectural elements are also managed somewhere, but without any basis, we now have the Law on Architecture. architecture, gradually forming a legal system from the central to local and regional levels in order to create a balance between planning and architecture”.

According to Mr. Nguyen Dinh Hung, this workshop helps to raise awareness, create management tools and legal bases... to create common ground, society's general awareness about architecture... to create ensembles. beautiful architecture, enhance the value of the work.

Thanh Thao – Phuong Ngan/BXD