On the first days of the new year 2023, Sagen is honored to be trusted by the Investor - Dan Loi Oriental Medicine Co., Ltd to sign a design consulting contract – Dan Loi Oriental Medicine Co., Ltd to sign a design consultancy contract for the “Dan Loi Oriental Medicine factory” project.
Established in 1969, starting as a traditional medicine clinic, after over 50 years of operating, the Dan Loi Oriental Medicine Company has been continuously developing by investing in large-scale production, modern equipment and technology. At the same time, the company has also expanded its market and reached customers in different regions throughout the country. The Dan Loi Oriental Medicine factory is one of the projects that the investor has put a lot of effort into in the strategic development roadmap in the near future. The project is going to be built in Dien Phu - VCN Industrial Cluster, Dien Khanh, Khanh Hoa province, with a land area of over 6,700 m2 for phase 1.
Overall view
The design plan for the reasonable arrangement of main sections consists of a production area, import-export warehouse, factory warehouse, office building, import-export hall, and supporting facilities areas. The production area and warehouse are located at the back of the factory, ensuring the production process is safe and separate from people. The raw material and finished product import-export halls located in front will be convenient for goods delivery-receiving activities. The main office located between these two warehouses makes the exchange of documents controlled smooth and easily. The design of optimal functional sections emphasizes aesthetic appeal while maintaining ease of management, operation, and maintenance, conforming to the standards and regulations of the GMP-WHO pharmaceutical factory and the construction design regulations.
In the era of pharmaceutical development, the construction of advanced and modern pharmaceutical factories is an important factor that brings benefits to businesses, consumers, and society. It especially emphasizes factors such as safety, environmental protection, energy conservation, and reducing negative impacts on the environment and human health during the production process. To ensure quality as well as effective production processes, consulting for the design of pharmaceutical factories has become extremely important and highly valued.
With experience and reputation in the field of pharmaceutical factory project design, Sagen is proud to have been accompanied by many major pharmaceutical investors such as Hau Giang Pharma, Danapha, Traphaco, OPC, Bidiphar, Imexpharm, FKB, Medochemie, Mediplantex, Abipha... to help customers choose the optimal design solution, ensuring regulations, cost, safety and feasibility in the process of designing and building the factory.
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The successful signing of the contract agreement of the "Dan Loi Oriental Medicine Factory" project sets the precedent for a good cooperative relationship between Dan Loi Oriental Medicine Plant and Sagen, once again this affirms the trust of customers and the leading position of Sagen in consulting the design of pharmaceutical plant projects in Vietnam.