In the morning of June 21st, 2014, Sagen coordinated with Green Viet to hold the Green Architecture Seminar for the architects, engineers and other related departments of Sagen.

Engineer Do Huu Nhat Quang, a Founder Member of Green Viet and Ms. Nguyen Huong Thu, Executive Director of Green Viet reported and discussed related contents.

The seminar discussed the contents: benefit and tendency of green building design; cost and benefit of green building; the LEED & LOTUS certification system and the certification Process; the role of consultancy and the responsibility of the investor before, during and after gaining green building certification.

Through the seminar, the architects, engineers of Sagen have been aware of benefit and tendency of developing green architecture design in the future. At present, more and more investors and project developers show interest in constructing green buildings. It is expected that in the plan of 2014-2015 Sagen will co ordinate with Green Viet and investors to implement from 2 to 3 projects applying for green building certification.