Sometimes, the empathy and the insight are not created by the eternity of time but in the coming near together moment, that we look in the same direction. The end of the hard-working days, the sweat and the happy smile overcome all difficulties, challenges and then burst into joy of the 15th anniversary of Sagen today (05/09/2003 - 05/09/2018). We are excited and expected about the upcoming ceremony.
Sagen’ family
The start of the party is the impressive “15th Anniversary of Sagen” clip. 15 years for the growth of a brand, 15 years to overcome many challenges to send the value of the truthfulness, the kindness, the esthetics in every project, 15 years proud of the past, affirm the present and winged for a future "Sharp mind, steady heart, acquire the world-class."
Our emotions was constantly changing. From the joy and the happiness as looking back at 15 years of Sagen's pride to the touching by the heartfelt sharing of Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tan - General Director to all employees on this great day. He said: "You gave me motivation, added confidence to overcome all. I know that I am never alone, because you all always by my side, you all are “the family”. Right now, I just want to say that "Sagen is very proud of you". Thank you very much".
Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tan – Gerneral Director
After that, the Board of Directors presented the medal with the gifts to express deep gratitude to customers, partners and honors the staffs.
Sagen with customers and partners.
Vinh danh CBNV Công ty/ Sagen with excellent staff.
In order to create an invisible bond between co-workers, leaders and employees, and to build collective pride in each member of the Sagen family, the Board of Directors and employees share their concerns, dreams. And from then, Sagen "reach to the top from the desire to conquer" as a special led dance in the ceremony.
Continuing the program is the charismatic performance of the guest singers, the management and the staffs with the song "I have a dream - ABBA" as once again affirmed the burning desire, urging people to try and effort tirelessly to open the "Road to Glory".
“I have a dream” performance
"Road to Glory” performance
The ceremony became more exciting, attractive with the sweepstakes program. All of us anxiously listened to the lucky numbers and the burst of happiness when found out who the winner is.
Giving the third prize for winners
Giving the second prize for winners
Giving the first prize for winner
The ceremony ended in joy of all. Everyone was happy because there is an interesting experience. As the philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau said: " The person who has lived the most is not the one with the most years but the one with the richest experiences." And all of us were really "alive" when we joined and worked at Sagen. So, when 20, 30 or 40 years passed, wherever we go, we always have a small corner in our heart for the little house called "Sagen". As people often says: "What is attached will be difficult to change and what is familiar then is difficult to forget."
Wherever it is, an eternal love
Forever eternal with time
Don’t need to search far away, just “a desire to conquer"!
Still loving a "Sagen" sound!