On April 27th, 2013, DHG Pharma J.S.C held ground – breaking ceremony for DHG Pharm factory at Tan Phu Thanh IP.
Attending the ceremony were the leaderships of Hau Giang Province, Clients of DHG company. Besides, BOD, all staff of DHG company and Sagen Constructive design consultancy J.S.C - representatives consultant Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tan – General Director.
Sagen has honorably been selected for consultancy DHG’s factory achieving with GMP – WHO standards with scope of works: Geologic surveys, Construction investment project planning, construction drawing design & Bill of quantity.

The new factory of DHG J.S.C was built at Tan Phu Thanh IP, Chau Thanh A ward, Hau Giang province with area 8 hectare include main items are Nonbetalactam and Betalactam factory, Packing factory, Office and Control Laboratory. In addition, the auxiliary items, waste water treatment area, technical infrastructure system meet condition for produce and secure environment when put into operation.
With an investment cost of 500 billion VND in total, about 26 months to building implementation, expected put into operation in 2013. This is the Pharmaceutical factory with scale and the total investment the biggest in Vietnam with modern machinery and equipment, production of 3 billion tablets per year complied with GMP - WHO standards, contributing to increase production to meet demand about drugs of Vietnamese and exporters.