12/03/2018 – SAGEN “TYPICAL BRAND OF ASEAN 2018”

On March 12th 2018 the Vietnam - Singapore Friendship Association combined with the Vietnam Businessmen Club had solemnly organized the ceremony to give the Certificate and symbolic "Typical Brand of Asean 2018" in Singapore to honor the Businesses have excellent achievements in business activities, branding efforts, good compliance of legal policies, responsibility to the community and society.

Picture 1: Board of Directors at ceremony

At this event, Sagen is honored to attain the "Typical Brand of Asean 2018 certification”.

Picture 2: The Certificate and symbolic "Typical Brand of Asean 2018"

Picture 3: Mr. Tran Huu Uy – Deputy of General Director had given certificate and symbolic

It can be said that this is a great honor and a source of encouragement for the efforts and dedication throughout the 15 years of all company's staffs that makes Sagen more and more efforts to create the quality services, fine art, keeping up with modern trends, and saving... to bringing the best satisfaction to customers both at domestic and abroad.